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About us

There is a Divine Plan that is above all worldly plans. It is a Cosmic Magnet that brings together the aspirants of Light in order to unite their talents, considered the most qualified and sacred parts of the being, so that together they work to rescue the true foundations of life and the planet.

This Divine Plan forms the invisible structure of the Universe and operates as a Great School formed by all those who are Brothers in Humanity.

The Great School is the most solid link that exists within every human being and The Creator. It is the Guiding Star that enlightened the great beings of all times. Its mighty shield, ever vigilant to events on Earth, protects the Planet as well as each one of us. It is the Source of all Knowledge, as well as the Bridge to all Salvation.

The individual’s problem is that he is transfigured in the Ocean of Life. He is being carried away by all kinds of storms. His boat is rudderless because he has lost his connection to the Whole.

We are a group of people working for the school of the future.

We believe in the achievements of the spirit, and we recognize that talents are the most perfect tools of the human spirit that serve to shape a New Creative World. Our talents, when directed accordingly, can transform the most bitter into the sweetest.

We know that the mainstays of talents are based on the works that come from the Divine and are manifested through Heart, Work, Beauty, Evolution, Transcendence, and Human Vital Force.

The main task of our work is to help human nature to make a better reading of the laws of Life and the Universe. As well as to encourage the improvement of the human being by making him to find the missing link with the Great School and with the Creator.


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For more information, contact us:

Tels.: +55 (21) 2521-1776
Tels.: +55 (21) 2522-3300

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